Friday, December 4, 2009

The Green Arrow Technique

Many, and I do mean many more pictures to post from our recent travels, but meanwhile back in NYfC...

On my little walk to work this morning I dropped off an old black suitcase at The Salvation Army on 4th Ave and 12th Street. It was filled with a snowboarding backpack, miscellaneous t-shirts with miscellaneous designs, a dated black Italian suit with vest, wool pants that are designed to make your thighs sweat the moment your eyes make contact with them, evergreen-jungle-camo shorts with Black Hole pockets, and other various non-flammable items.  There's extra storage room in my closet now. Enough for at least two dozen Mahjong sets.  

At the southern corner of Park and 19th I noted a man curled-up and all cozy inside the half way phone booth swigging a brown liquid out of a brown paper bag underneath his beaten brown fedora.  I walked a block and realized... damn that could had made a nice photo.  I continued on to Park and 21st where I decided I'd post a photo of another phone booth and tell the story of the AM boozer.  Within the booth was what I assume to be an empty and straw adorned lonesome can of Heinekin Beer.  It was then I wondered if  the 19th Street fedora fiend was responsible for this abandoned can.  Was he on a phone booth pub crawl?  I once had a friend who smoked pot in phone booths.  He referred to this open public smoking technique as The Superman

Welcome back.   

1 comment:

  1. Amazing. That was me in the fedora, by the way. And I'd filled the Heineken can with chocolate milk. I call it the "Dutch Schultz."

    Also you need to start putting "target=_blank" tags into your links so that they open in new windows, my friend.

    C u, g
